Recently Drake Midi has received an interesting task – help in the creation of the lamp design. The lamp itself (the lamp body to be more precise) had an interesting and complex curvature. It looked sleek and modern from the artistic point of view but was a problem for the engineers – it was rather hard to make precise glass for it.
The lamp. Image 1
The lamp. Image 2
The lamp. Image 3
Where the conventional methods fail, technology works. Drake Midi digitized the lamp within 15 minutes. Markers were added to ease with tracking during scanning.

Lamp 3D scan. Thor 3D soft
Post-processing took about 20 minutes. The scan was transferred to CAD, where a specialist made a 2D stencil out of it. The job lasted for about 4 hours and guaranteed precise measurements.

The lamp scan in 2D. CAD soft

2D stencil of the glass. CAD soft
The last step in the design – cut out the glass using a CNC machine.