Thor3D & Cyborg3D

Thor3D & Cyborg3D
fast reverse engineering solution for 
freeform shapes

Thor3D and Cyborg offer a perfect bundle for those, who need fast mesh-to-CAD of organic forms within minutes. Scanned meshes are known for being time-consuming when it comes to reverse engineering. Cyborg 3D has a unique set of tools which facilitate converting the mesh to CAD within minutes!

How does the bundle work?

  • Contact the manager and purchase Calibry 3D scanner in a bundle with Cyborg 3D MeshToCAD software. Ask for the bundle.
  • Quickly digitize any object with Calibry 3D scanner.
  • Use Cyborg3D to work with the mesh.

How is Сyborg different from other mesh-to-cad programs?

With Cyborg 3D MeshToCAD you can easily convert into CAD: sculpted meshes (Zbrush), scans of organic forms and subdivision surfaces. The software is compatible with such well-known CAD-programs as SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Rhinoceros and Autodesk Inventor. The conversion is intuitive, easy and fast.

The software provides adaptive knot density, which helps the model to stay hi-res at the same time remaining “light-weight” for future CAD manipulations.


With Calibry and Cyborg bundle you are free to reverse engineer freeform
shapes: humans, animal shapes and car bodies! The pack is best suited for:

Industrial design
Industrial design
Automotive industry
Automotive industry


We also provide a generous discount to educational institutions