
We did it! This summer we shipped our first Calibry scanner. It took almost a year, but we did it. A huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders. There is still much work to be done, but the first symbolic step has been taken.

Some media outlets published this news item and the first feedback is fascinating. Some commented on how inexpensive the device is, while others lamented it for being too expensive. Leave it to the World Wide Web to have diverging views! Some speculated that we got some government grant that we just had to spend. Others praised us for succeeding in a tough economic climate. Some thought that the device was useless since you can get a 3D scan by using a simple off-the-shelf camera, while others were excited to finally get a 3D scanner that can capture black and shiny objects.

This scanner has hundreds of components and don’t get me started on the packaging. The development of the calibration board was enough to almost break my will to live. And then, there is the software… Seemingly straightforward, but deceptively intricate. 

Our offices are next to a company that makes custom plastic wristbands (bracelets). Countless times during Calibry’s development, I looked over at them and was in some way envious. How lucky are they? No electronics, no software, no calibration. Such an uncomplicated product!

Regardless though, we love what we do and we have released a new, highly complex device that our customers will appreciate. We are already developing our next highly complex device. So stay tuned. 
-- Anna Zevelyov
CEO & Co-Founder
