
Either you are just considering buying a 3D scanner, or have just purchased one, our top-10 list will be useful.

The 3D scanning community is large and at first sight might seem overwhelming. Don’t panic, we are here to help and guide you through multiple websites, communities and forums. So, let’s get started.

1.       Holocreators Blog.

A German 3D scanning company runs a very interesting videoblog, where they explain the basics of 3D scanning, CAD and additive manufacturing. Confused about such words, as “NURBS”, “mesh”, “point cloud”? These guys will get you covered. The blog is perfect for absolute beginners and those, who want to refresh their knowledge.


2.       Springer Open.

You are an experienced 3D-equipment user and fancy the academic approach? Try Springer Open! The platform has a good collection of research papers, free and open to the general public: medical research papers, articles on geology, cultural heritage and general fundamental studies on 3D scanning.


3.       3D Natives

Their webinar compilation may be interesting for more advanced 3D-scanners’ users, but following them will definitely help you stay up-to-date with the industry.


4.       Aniwaa

Aniwaa is not only the biggest marketplace of 3D equipment, but also a valuable source of news and expert articles. Browse through the website to get to know the latest news and read practical guides and check-lists from the leading professionals of the industry.


5.       Sketchfab

Want to share your scans or need inspiration? You should definitely go to Sketchfab! This platform enables you to download, edit and share 3D models with the community. If you run a blog, use the Sketchfab viewer to showcase a portfolio on your own website. Has various subscription plans for any budget.


6.       AnyConv


It’s an online platform that converts various file formats, including 3D. It supports .stl, .obj, .dwg and many other formats. A necessary website if you use multiple software in your project. Plus, it’s absolutely free!


7.       3D Scanning Users Group on Facebook

It’s private, but has a strong community of experts, so the group is worth joining. 3D Scanning Users Group will be particularly useful to advanced 3D-scanning enthusiasts.


8.       LinkedIn 3D scanning group

3D Scanning for Reverse Engineering, Inspection, Analysis, and Documentation group is a private community of around 12k professionals, who share experience and discuss topics related to 3D scanning, digital inspection, data processing, etc.

9.       Reddit

You can also find a supportive community on Reddit. “3D Scanning. A place to post news, discussions and personal projects” group unites professionals and enthusiasts of 3D scanning. Here you can ask for help and advice.


10.   MyMiniFactory

Publish and share 3D files, buy and sell the models, share tutorials, ideas and stories – that’s all MyMiniFactory. You can also use it as a crowdfunding platform for your projects. MyMiniFactory is a very versatile community, so check it out.

